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Solvay applies new IFRS reporting standards in 2014 and restates 2013 financials accordingly

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- IFRS 10, 11 and 12 adopted since January 1st 2014

- Accordingly, restated figures for 2013 for comparison purposes

- Outlook for 2014 and financial objectives for 2016 unchanged

Brussels, April 7, 2014--- Solvay publishes today restated financial figures for 2013 due to the application of the new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 10 (Consolidated Financial Statements), 11 (Joint Arrangements) and 12 (Disclosures of Interests in Other Entities). The Group is applying these new standards effective since January 1, 2014. 

Solvay’s restated figures for 2013 provide a basis for comparison for its upcoming first quarter results for 2014, which will be published on May 6, and for subsequent periods.

Furthermore, the restated figures reflect the changes in the Group Segment information consisting in the split of Solvay’s Global Business Unit (GBU) Essential Chemicals into two GBUs: Soda Ash & Derivatives and Peroxides also effective since January 1, 2014.

The application of IFRS 10 does not lead to a change in scope of fully consolidated entities for the Solvay Group.

Application of IFRS 11 has led to a change in consolidation scope of some joint arrangements that qualify as joint operations, and therefore will now be proportionally consolidated, which previously were accounted for by using the equity method. The change in consolidation scope impacts the following activities:

Soda Ash & Derivatives operations/interests in Devnya (Bulgaria), 75% held by Solvay and comprising the following legal entities:

- Deven AD; 
- Solvay Sodi AD; 
- Solvay Sisecam Holding AG;

Hydrogen Peroxide Propylene Oxide (HPPO) operations/interests in Zandvliet (Belgium), Map Ta Put (Thailand) and the HPPO plant that is being constructed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, all 50% held by the Solvay Group and comprising the following legal entities:  

- BASF Interox H2O2 Production NV;
- MTP HPJV Management B.V.; 
- MTP HPJV (Thailand) Ltd.; 
- Saudi Hydrogen Peroxide Co.; 

Overall, the application of IFRS 11 does not impact reported 2013 Solvay Group Net Income but, there are impacts at the following levels:

On the Full Year 2013 Income Statement (fully ascribed to the Essential Chemicals GBU):
- net sales: + € 65 million 
- REBITDA: + € 41 million 
- underlying tax rate: 34% vs 36% before restatement

On the Full Year 2013 Cash Flow Statement 
- Capex: + € 57  million
- Free Cash Flow: - € 37 million

On the Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2013
- Net Debt: increase of € 40 million

Outlook for 2014 and financial objectives for 2016 unchanged 
These accounting restatements had been taken into account in the formulation of Solvay's previous profit outlook statements for 2014 and 2016

Further information and 2013 restated figures can be found on our website under the following link: 


Solvay seeks to give, as much as possible, advance notice of future restatements. Apart from further changes in IFRS, the Group only anticipates significant future portfolio changes to impact the presentation of the results.

The first quarter 2014 earnings will be released on May 6, 2014.

Download this press release with all the annexes

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As an international chemical group, SOLVAY assists industries in finding and implementing ever more responsible and value-creating solutions. Solvay generates 90% of its net sales in activities where it is among the world's top three players. It serves many markets, varying from energy and the environment to automotive and aerospace or electricity and electronics, with one goal: to raise the performance of its clients and improve society's quality of life. The group is headquartered in Brussels, employs about 29,400 people in 56 countries and generated 9.9 billion euros in net sales in 2013. Solvay SA is listed as SOLB.BE on NYSE Euronext in Brussels and Paris (Bloomberg: SOLB:BB - Reuters: SOLB.BR).