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Power of 2: EUR Consents and Tender Offer


EUR tender launch announcementEN
EUR consents launch announcementEN
Press release announcing launch of EUR consents and tenderEN - FR - NL
Notice convening EUR consents meetingsEN - FR - NL
EUR consents convocation memorandumEN
EUR consents form of meeting notificationEN - FR - NL
EUR consents block voting instructionEN - FR - NL
Liability management presentationEN


Consent solicitations - Extension of Early Instruction DeadlineEN
Tender offer - Extension of Early Tender DeadlineEN
Consent solicitations H1 release announcementEN
Tender H1 release announcementEN
2029 Bonds-Announcement Cancellation of meeting and intention of make whole redemptionEN
Minutes of the first bondholders meeting (Hybrid and 2027)EN - FR - NL
Results Announcement 3 series SA BondsEN
Tender Results - AnnouncementEN
Tender Notes - Clean Up Call NoticeEN
2029 Bonds - Make whole redemption notice to bondholdersEN
2025 USD Bonds - Make whole redemption notice to bondholdersEN