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Major shareholders

Solvay shareholder structure


Solvac SA

A public limited liability company established under Belgian law, founded in 1983. Its assets consist exclusively of the Solvay shares. Solvac shares are traded on Euronext Brussels. It has approximately 14,000 shareholders. 

In March 2021, Solvac SA gave notice that it held 30.81% of Solvay’s share capital and therefore 30.81% of voting rights.


Solvay Stock Option Management SPRL

An indirect subsidiary of Solvay, and holds 2.27% of Solvay’s capital through shares and purchase options combined. These are held as part of the Group's strategy to hedge the risk linked to stock options granted by Solvay to senior executives of the Group.

The remaining shares are thereby held by institutional and retail shareholders.


Threshold notifications

Solvay’s by-laws require any shareholder holding voting rights equal or superior to 3% to declare this shareholding to the company and the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA). Any crossing of the first threshold of 3% and thereafter of 5%, 7.5% or any multiple of 5% is subject to this declaration. 

Transparency Declarations