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Discover Solvay's Products & Solutions

Soda Ash
Solvay is a global leader in Soda Solvay® sodium carbonate production, using two different processes: the traditional Solvay ammonia process and the refining of a primary source of sodium carbonate, natural Trona (or sesquicarbonate).

Sodium Bicarbonate and Derivatives
Solvay produces more than 7 million tonnes of sodium carbonate both by the traditional Solvay ammonia process and by the refining of Trona ore. Our high quality soda ash meets customers’ specifications in accordance with all applicable safety, health and environmental standards.

Solvay is the leading supplier of peroxygen-based products to traditional industrial consumers – pulp and paper, textile and chemical manufacturing industries.

High-Performance Silica
As the inventor of high-performance silica in the 1990s, and the current world leader in silica technology, Solvay was the first to introduce on the market a dust-free micro pearl form of precipitated silica.

Fluorinated Chemicals and fluids
Solvay’s portfolio of fluorine products are at the forefront of many critical applications. From uses in the intricate etching of semiconductors to ozone friendly alternatives in polyurethane insulation products, Solvay delivers fluorine solutions with high-performance profile.

Rare Earth and Metal oxides
Solvay is a worldwide leader in Rare Earths end products and formulations for automotive, electronic, medical, and hydrogen markets, offering high-purity tailored solutions.

Oxygenated Solvents
Oxygenated solvents are used in the automotive industry (paints, metal cleaning), and industrial products (flexible packaging, coatings, adhesives, agro Chemistry, textile, leather) or consumer goods.

Phenol, Polyamides and Intermediates
Solvay provides a completely integrated polyamide 6.6 value-chain,including a comprehensive range of polymers and yarns designed to meet customer needs in the automotive, fashion and consumer goods industries.