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Two strong industry leaders

The partial demerger of the specialty activities of Solvay was completed on December 9, 2023. These activities are now under Syensqo. All the important documents relating to the partial demerger can be found on this page of the website.

November 13, 2023Press release - Solvay (EssentialCo) unveils its new strategy and 2028 financial targetsEN - FR - NL
November 13, 2023First presentation (Solvay)EN
November 13, 2023Second presentation (Syensqo)EN

March 15, 2022initial announcement of the projectpress release
March 15, 2022initial announcement of the projectpresentation
March 15, 2022initial announcement of the projectreplay of the conf call

December 14, 2023Scission partielle Solvay-Syensqo - Aspects fiscaux françaisFR
October 19, 2023Considerations on the tax treatment of shareholders EN - FR - NL

August 4, 2023Power of 2: EUR Consents and Tender OfferEN
August 4, 2023Solvay SA announces bond liability management transactionsEN
June 16, 2023Capital structures and financial policiespresentation
June 16, 2023Capital structures and financial policiespress release

November 27, 2023DRAFT Corporate Governance Charter of SOLVAY after partial dermerger completionEN
November 3, 2023Solvay announces the future Board of Directors for new standalone SOLVAYEN - FR - NL
November 3, 2023Solvay announces the future Executive Leadership Team for new standalone SOLVAYEN - FR - NL
November 3, 2023Solvay announces the future Board of Directors for new standalone SYENSQOEN - FR - NL
November 3, 2023Solvay announces the future Executive Leadership Team for new standalone SYENSQOEN - FR - NL
November 7, 2023 Extraordinary Shareholders' meetingEN - FR - NL

November 20, 2023Solvay announces the publication of a supplement to its information documentEN - FR - NL
June 16, 2023SOLVAY and SYENSQO revealed as new company namesEN - FR - NL