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North America

Societal actions in North America

Solvay employees in North America regularly support initiatives that bolster social causes and protect the environment  and advocate for education.

How Solvay volunteers helped children heal and prepare for the future

Solvay Houston employees donated backpacks and back-to-school supplies to support the efforts of the Children’s Assessment Center, which provides treatment to sexually abused children and their families. The center serves as an advocate for all children in the community.

Members of the Houston Site Activities Committee volunteered to help at the center when the backpacks were distributed during a back-to-school carnival and party. The volunteers assisted with the activities, which included games, face-painting, good food, and haircuts. The center had arranged for barbers and hairstylists to send the kids back to school in style with fresh, new haircuts.

Among the Solvay volunteers were Shannon Adlong, Lisa Boren, and Karen Rivers all on hand to provide help at the beanbag throw, the prize distribution, and the bucket toss. 

"It truly touched my heart to see the smiles on these children's faces knowing what they have been through. It just goes to prove that you can find the strength to overcome anything. God bless this facility and the workers who work hard to give these children a safe haven." Shannon Adlong Executive Assistant

Hunger can cause more than just an empty feeling in your stomach. It can lower your concentration, cause headaches and dizziness, and if you’re a child who is growing and learning, food insecurity can have a severely detrimental impact on health and development. 

To help Houston-area children avoid the devastating effects of hunger, employees from the Peroxides global business unit (GBU) gathered at Solvay Deer Park to volunteer their time creating more than 10,000 snack packs.

The Solvay volunteers worked with Kids’ Meals, an organization dedicated to ending childhood hunger by delivering free healthy meals to the doorsteps of children under the age of five who face debilitating hunger due to extreme poverty. The organization also works to provide the children’s families with the resources to help them end their cycle of poverty.

46% of all the Peroxides GBU employees participating

With all hands on deck for two days, nearly 70 volunteers pitched in to fill 10,145 snack packs. The volunteers not only beat their goal of 10,000 snack packs for the current year, but they also beat the previous year’s tally by 3,500. For an organization run entirely on donations, Solvay’s contribution was met with gratitude from the organization’s staff. The generosity of the volunteers also made a real difference for the children who benefit from Kids’ Meals.

Fueling up before creating more snack bags!