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HMD 72% is mainly used as raw material for nylon salt, intermediate in the manufacture of HDI for polyurethanes, alkyd resins, nitrocellulose, epoxy resins, paints/inks, thermo-fusible resins, alloys and hot melts.
CAS number Synonyms
HMD; 1,6-Diaminohexane; 1,6-Diamino-n-Hexane; 1,6-Hexamethylenediamine; 1,6-Hexanediamine; 1,6- Hexylenediamine; Hexamethylenediamine.

Product variants

  • []


Segments Applications End uses
Other Chemical Intermediates Organics Process Intermediate - Chemical Products & Intermediates
Segments Applications
Body & Chassis
Segments Applications End uses
Pulp And Pulp Derivatives Paper Polyamide-Epichlorohydrin (Pae Resin)

Chemical categories

Chemical category Chemical family Chemical product
Amines Amine Monomer Hexamethylene diamine


Physical form

Region of availability

  • Africa & Middle East
  • Asia Pacific
  • Europe
  • Latin America
  • North America

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