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Carbon neutrality is achieved when there is a balance between the emissions added to the atmosphere by a product and those reduced/offset in the same period, achieving net zero emissions. This may involve eliminating emissions, offsetting them, or a combination of both. It is this latter alternative that Solvay, which has already reduced its scope 1 and 2 emissions by approximately 95%, adopted to launch its first carbon neutral product, RHODIACID™ AA adipic acid. 

With this pioneering move in the chemical industry, Solvay further advances its environmental practices and offers customers solutions that help their organizations neutralize the carbon footprint of their products and advance in their own carbon neutrality goals. 

How is the carbon footprint of our products neutralized? 

  1. The remaining emissions were quantified by calculating the cradle-to-gate Product Carbon Footprint (PCF), which covers the CO2 equivalent emissions from the origin of the raw materials we use, throughout the entire manufacturing process until the product is ready to leave Solvay's factory gates. 


  2. An independent entity, specialized in carbon footprint methodology, assesses the PCF calculation and evidence. 


  3. A third-party PCF certification letter for the product ( check up of certification)


  4. Based on the certified PCF value, the carbon footprint of the product is neutralized through the purchase and retirement of carbon credits needed to offset the cradle-to-gate emissions of the product.  In this case, Solvay obtains carbon credits associated with the Fazenda Sao Nicolau reforestation project in Mato Grosso, Brazil. 

    In all the steps described above, we partner with the EBP company, an environmental consultancy and engineering company, with experience in environment and climate change matters. 

What customers get when they buy a carbon neutral product: 

  1.  The PCF certification letter issued by a third party. 


  2. The Carbon Credit Retirement document issued by Verra** 

** a non-profit organization that manages the world's leading voluntary carbon market program, the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program. Verra audits and certifies the carbon credits generated by the Fazenda São Nicolau project.