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Soda Ash List Pricing and Energy Surcharge Program - North America

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List Price (All prices are FOB Green River, Wyoming)

  • Bulk - $300.00 per ton
  • 50 lb. bags - $365.00 per ton
  • 100 lb. bags - $355.00 per ton
  • Bulk bags - $355.00 per ton

Energy Surcharge Program 
Quarterly surcharge adjustments will be based on a rolling three month forward average of the NYMEX Henry Hub Index for natural gas as of the 15th day of the month preceding each calendar quarter. If the 15th day falls on a weekend or holiday, the close on the next trading day will be used for this calculation. The surcharge will be assessed as per the following schedule:

NYMEX Value Energy Surcharge 

  • Less than $5.00 per MM Btu $0.00 per ton
  • $5.00 - $5.99 per MM Btu $1.50 per ton
  • $6.00 - $6.99 per MM Btu $3.00 per ton
  • $7.00 - $7.99 per MM Btu $4.50 per ton

Should the NYMEX value exceed $7.99 per MM Btu, the surcharge will thereafter increase $1.50 per ton for each $1.00 per MM Btu incremental change in the NYMEX price for natural gas. 

The December 17th, three month forward average for natural gas NYMEX futures closed at $3.44 per MM Btu.  Therefore, our 1st quarter 2019 soda ash energy surcharge (ESC) will be set at $0.00 per ton.