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AMBI® Ammonium hydrogen fluoride

AMBI® Ammonium hydrogen fluoride

AMBI® Ammonium hydrogen fluoride* (NH4HF2) is used for aluminium anodization, metal surface treatment, glass processing, building protection, mineral oil/ natural gas drilling, cleaning of industrial plants and in the electronic industry. 

AMBI® Ammonium hydrogen fluoride* is used in the following applications:

  • Glass processing: For matt etching.
  • Metal surface treatment: As an essential component of bright digo baths for etching and cleaning of non-ferrous metal pieces.   
  • Mineral oil / natural gas drilling: As an aid for drilling through silicate rocks. 
  • Cleaning of industrial plants:  As component in cleaning and disinfecting solutions, e.g. in power stations. 
  • Building protection:  As a component in cleaning agents.

*Goods labelled as “dual use” are subject to special controls and export restrictions in most countries. Before exporting such goods the exporter must apply for an appropriate export licence from the competent authority. For deliveries within the EU, for example, the seller must include an appropriate note in the commercial papers in accordance with article 22, paragraph 10, of the dual use regulation.

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