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Pastes & Coatings

NOCOLOK Pastes & Coatings for flux applications


A flux paste specifically formulated for application where traditional water based fluxing is not suitable

NOCOLOK® Flux Paste is a flux paste specifically formulated for providing a viscous homogeneous mixture of NOCOLOK® Flux (15 – 50%) in an organic carrier for brazing aluminium cladded interfaces where traditional water based fluxing is not suitable.

Typical applications include but not limited to: interior tube seams (B-tubes), snap over joints (clinch tubes), tube-to-header joints, internal turbulators.

The paste can be dispensed manually by brush or syringe or with automatic dispensing equipment. The paste can be used in both furnace and flame braze process.

CsAIF4 can be added to accommodate materials with Mg of up to approximately 0.5 % in furnace brazing. This refers to the combined Mg-level of both components to be joined.

A paste range containing NOCOLOK® Flux with an organic carrier or water carrier system

The NOCOLOK® 028 flux paste range contains NOCOLOK® Flux with an organic carrier or water carrier system. Some of these products are cesium complex enhanced.

The NOCOLOK® 028 flux paste range is typically applied to braze critical joints by dispense, brush or, in some cases, by spray application. Used in joint situations where filler metal is resent in the form of a clad layer or filler metal shim and wire pre-forms are positioned in the joint area. No component mixing is required. Products are supplied as ready to use products, requiring stirring only.

For use where additional filler metal is required

NOCOLOK® Flux 7028-9028 metallized flux pastes range is a mixture of NOCOLOK® Flux, aluminium filler metal, AlSi 7/10/12, with an organic carrier system.

It is widely used where additional filler metal is required and can replace most braze operations where filer metal rings and flux pastes are used. The advantage is that a single product is used; no mixing is required. Products are supplied as ready to use products, requiring stirring only.

A flux paste for the flame brazing of aluminum materials

As the active component of Corrosive-Flux-Paste, AL-Flux 0726 contains a mixture of LiCl, NaCl, KCl, inorganic- and complex- fluorides. Organic carrier systems are used to prepare a wide range of pastes for the flame brazing of aluminium materials.

Al-Flux 0726 Flux Paste is typically applied by dispensing and brushing for flame brazing. No component mixing is required. Products are supplied as ready to use products, requiring stirring only.

A mixture of NOCOLOK® Flux, hydrocarbon, polymer and mineral oil carrier system

Ultra brazing flux paste is a mixture of NOCOLOK® Flux, hydrocarbon, polymer and mineral oil carrier system. Ultra flux paste is available with filler metal enhancement (AlSi 7/10/12) and available with Cs enhancement for special applications.

Typical applications are by dispensing onto the internal braze area of folder radiator and heater tubes (lock seam and B-style tubes) during the tube forming process (typically 0.1 – 0.5 grams/linear meter). No component mixing is required. Products are supplied as ready to use products, requiring stirring only.

A mixture of NOCOLOK® Flux, NMP-free water-carrier-system and binder/organic additives

Paint-F-Flux is supplied in a liquid format with a suitable viscosity for application by spray technique. It is applied by air spray or rolling.


  • PFF Standard: Basic version – market leader
  • PFF C35SM: With Cs enhancement for brazing of Al materials with higher Mg content
  • PFF Inner Braze: Newly developed PFF with modified binder – for brazing of close surfaces, particularly for plate fin design of WCAC, for large Oil coolers, for CAC turbulators

No component mixing is required. Products are supplied as ready to use products, required stirring only.

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